La empresa polaca KSW contrató en exclusiva al fisicoculturista Martyn Ford y ahora quiere fichar al levantador de pesas Sajad Gharibi para protagonizar este combate, propio de los cómics

Los combates de Dragon Ball Z entre personajes de increíbles poderes y físicos que rozan la perfección ya no están lejos de la realidad, sobre todo ahora que la empresa polaca Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki (KSW), que maneja a la MMA (Mixed Martial Arts o Artes Marciales Mixtas, en castellano) busca reunir a dos figuras increíbles a simple vista.

En efecto, la KSW prevé un cruce de proporciones épicas en cuando se encuentren sobre la lona el levantador de pesas Sajad Gharibi, conocido como el “Hulk iraní”, y el fisiculturista británico Martyn Ford, al que llaman el “God of War británico”, en referencia al popular videojuego.


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Ambos se han convertido en estrellas de Instagram, donde exhiben su figura diariamente y cuentan sus secretos para lucir como personajes de cómics. De hecho, Ford –de 2.07 metros de altura y 103 kilos- participó del casting para la película de God of War ya que también ha actuado en algunas series como Of Kings and Prophets, Benidorn, Kingsman El Círculo Dorado y El Marine 6.

Por su parte, su rival mide “sólo” 1.88 metros pero lo compensa con 180 kilos de puro músculo. Gharibi alcanzó la fama cuando se ofreció como voluntario para pelear en Siria contra Estado islámico, en el bando del polémico presidente Bashar Al Assad.

¿Lograrán convencerlo de protagonizar este combate casi mitológico?

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Cardio and weights !! Personally I love cardio, strange I know !! But does it affect muscle size ? Well this depends on many aspects: •body type •cardio activity •cardio duration •frequency of cardio •nutrition •supplementation •PEDs (yes these make huge difference) The general rule of thumb for those wanting to add muscle mass would be minimal cardio for a healthy heart. I would advice 3 x 20 min sessions per week, and I would look at doing HIT (high intensity training) this will also help your weight training sessions as your recovery will be faster and your ability to push harder will improve. LISS training is ideal for those looking at losing body fat, and not gaining muscle size. LISS training will have very little impact when trying to gain muscle, if anything it will hamper your gains. Both forms of cardio should NEVER be done before a weight session, cardio before weights will hamper your ability to train the muscles to there full ability. For more detailed training tips and FREE info following our page on @ignite.nutrition and check out our website (link in bio) #ignite #martynford

Una publicación compartida por Martyn Ford (@martynfordofficial) el

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Workout plan for strength and mass gain. GVT - German Volume Training A system which is very useful to introduce for a shock to the system. Training is all about pushing the body to the limits, stressing and overloading the muscles and trying to better your self on each session. This is both a mental and physical battle. The aim of GVT is to hit a major compound exercise for 10 sets with 10 reps. Obviously you should be using a weight which makes this possible. You won’t change the weight at all, from set 1 to 10 it stays the same. So for the first few sets, completing 10 reps should be comfortable, towards sets 8,9 and 10 you should be struggling to push 10. We will be doing 3 sessions every 5 days, Day 1 - train Day 2 - train Day 3- rest Day 4- train Day 5 - rest Just remember there is no FIXED right or wrong way, training is all about options and knowledge, applying different plans at different stages. To get more detailed advice be sure to click the link in my bio and apply to be one of my online clients #martynford

Una publicación compartida por Martyn Ford (@martynfordofficial) el

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